plugins.Camera 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8-*-

import os
import subprocess
import time
from robot import config, constants, logging
from robot.sdk.AbstractPlugin import AbstractPlugin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[文档]class Plugin(AbstractPlugin): SLUG = "camera"
[文档] def handle(self, text, parsed): quality = config.get('/camera/quality', 100) count_down = config.get('/camera/count_down', 3) dest_path = config.get('/camera/dest_path', os.path.expanduser('~/pictures')) device = config.get('/camera/device', '/dev/video0') vertical_flip = config.get('/camera/verical_flip', False) horizontal_flip = config.get('/camera/horizontal_flip', False) sound = config.get('/camera/sound', True) camera_type = config.get('/camera/type', 0) if config.has('/camera/usb_camera') and config.get('/camera/usb_camera'): camera_type = 0 if any(word in text for word in [u"安静", u"偷偷", u"悄悄"]): sound = False try: if not os.path.exists(dest_path): os.makedirs(dest_path) except Exception: self.say(u"抱歉,照片目录创建失败", cache=True) return dest_file = os.path.join(dest_path, "%s.jpg" % time.time()) if camera_type == 0: # usb camera'usb camera') command = ['fswebcam', '--no-banner', '-r', '1024x765', '-q', '-d', device] if vertical_flip: command.extend(['-s', 'v']) if horizontal_flip: command.extend(['-s', 'h']) command.append(dest_file) elif camera_type == 1: # Raspberry Pi 5MP'Raspberry Pi 5MP camera') command = ['raspistill', '-o', dest_file, '-q', str(quality)] if count_down > 0 and sound: command.extend(['-t', str(count_down*1000)]) if vertical_flip: command.append('-vf') if horizontal_flip: command.append('-hf') else: # notebook camera'notebook camera') command = ['imagesnap', dest_file] if count_down > 0 and sound: command.extend(['-w', str(count_down)]) if sound and count_down > 0: self.say(u"收到,%d秒后启动拍照" % (count_down), cache=True) if camera_type == 0: time.sleep(count_down) try:, shell=False, check=True) if sound:'camera.wav')) photo_url = 'http://{}:{}/photo/{}'.format(config.get('/server/host'), config.get('/server/port'), os.path.basename(dest_file)) self.say(u'拍照成功:{}'.format(photo_url), cache=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error(e) if sound: self.say(u"拍照失败,请检查相机是否连接正确", cache=True)
[文档] def isValid(self, text, parsed): return any(word in text for word in ["拍照", "拍张照"])