robot.AI 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8-*-
import requests
import json
from robot import logging
from robot import config
from uuid import getnode as get_mac
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[文档]class AbstractRobot(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[文档] @classmethod def get_instance(cls): profile = cls.get_config() instance = cls(**profile) return instance
def __init__(self, **kwargs): pass
[文档] @abstractmethod def chat(self, texts): pass
[文档]class TulingRobot(AbstractRobot): SLUG = "tuling" def __init__(self, tuling_key): """ 图灵机器人 """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.tuling_key = tuling_key
[文档] @classmethod def get_config(cls): # Try to get ali_yuyin config from config return config.get('tuling', {})
[文档] def chat(self, texts): """ 使用图灵机器人聊天 Arguments: texts -- user input, typically speech, to be parsed by a module """ msg = ''.join(texts) try: url = "" userid = str(get_mac())[:32] body = {'key': self.tuling_key, 'info': msg, 'userid': userid} r =, data=body) respond = json.loads(r.text) result = '' if respond['code'] == 100000: result = respond['text'].replace('<br>', ' ') result = result.replace(u'\xa0', u' ') elif respond['code'] == 200000: result = respond['url'] elif respond['code'] == 302000: for k in respond['list']: result = result + u"【" + k['source'] + u"】 " +\ k['article'] + "\t" + k['detailurl'] + "\n" else: result = respond['text'].replace('<br>', ' ') result = result.replace(u'\xa0', u' ')'{} 回答:{}'.format(self.SLUG, result)) return result except Exception: logger.critical("Tuling robot failed to responsed for %r", msg, exc_info=True) return "抱歉, 我的大脑短路了,请稍后再试试."
[文档]class Emotibot(AbstractRobot): SLUG = "emotibot" def __init__(self, appid, location, more): """ Emotibot机器人 """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.appid, self.location, self.more = appid, location, more
[文档] @classmethod def get_config(self): appid = config.get('/emotibot/appid', '') location = config.get('location', '深圳') more = config.get('active_mode', False) return { 'appid': appid, 'location': location, 'more': more }
[文档] def chat(self, texts): """ 使用Emotibot机器人聊天 Arguments: texts -- user input, typically speech, to be parsed by a module """ msg = ''.join(texts) try: url = "" userid = str(get_mac())[:32] register_data = { "cmd": "chat", "appid": self.appid, "userid": userid, "text": msg, "location": self.location } r =, params=register_data) jsondata = json.loads(r.text) result = '' responds = [] if jsondata['return'] == 0: if self.more: datas = jsondata.get('data') for data in datas: if data.get('type') == 'text': responds.append(data.get('value')) else: responds.append(jsondata.get('data')[0].get('value')) result = '\n'.join(responds) else: result = "抱歉, 我的大脑短路了,请稍后再试试."'{} 回答:{}'.format(self.SLUG, result)) return result except Exception: logger.critical("Emotibot failed to responsed for %r", msg, exc_info=True) return "抱歉, 我的大脑短路了,请稍后再试试."
[文档]def get_robot_by_slug(slug): """ Returns: A robot implementation available on the current platform """ if not slug or type(slug) is not str: raise TypeError("Invalid slug '%s'", slug) selected_robots = list(filter(lambda robot: hasattr(robot, "SLUG") and robot.SLUG == slug, get_robots())) if len(selected_robots) == 0: raise ValueError("No robot found for slug '%s'" % slug) else: if len(selected_robots) > 1: logger.warning("WARNING: Multiple robots found for slug '%s'. " + "This is most certainly a bug." % slug) robot = selected_robots[0]"使用 {} 对话机器人".format(robot.SLUG)) return robot.get_instance()
[文档]def get_robots(): def get_subclasses(cls): subclasses = set() for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): subclasses.add(subclass) subclasses.update(get_subclasses(subclass)) return subclasses return [robot for robot in list(get_subclasses(AbstractRobot)) if hasattr(robot, 'SLUG') and robot.SLUG]