# -*- coding: utf-8-*-
from aip import AipSpeech
from .sdk import TencentSpeech, AliSpeech
from . import utils, config
from robot import logging
import base64
import time
import requests
import hashlib
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[文档]class AbstractTTS(object):
Generic parent class for all TTS engines
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[文档] @classmethod
def get_config(cls):
return {}
[文档] @classmethod
def get_instance(cls):
profile = cls.get_config()
instance = cls(**profile)
return instance
[文档] @abstractmethod
def get_speech(self, phrase):
[文档]class BaiduTTS(AbstractTTS):
要使用本模块, 首先到 yuyin.baidu.com 注册一个开发者账号,
之后创建一个新应用, 然后在应用管理的"查看key"中获得 API Key 和 Secret Key
填入 config.yml 中.
appid: '9670645'
api_key: 'qg4haN8b2bGvFtCbBGqhrmZy'
secret_key: '585d4eccb50d306c401d7df138bb02e7'
dev_pid: 1936
per: 1
lan: 'zh'
SLUG = "baidu-tts"
def __init__(self, appid, api_key, secret_key, per=1, lan='zh', **args):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.client = AipSpeech(appid, api_key, secret_key)
self.per, self.lan = str(per), lan
[文档] @classmethod
def get_config(cls):
# Try to get baidu_yuyin config from config
return config.get('baidu_yuyin', {})
[文档] def get_speech(self, phrase):
result = self.client.synthesis(phrase, self.lan, 1, {'per': self.per});
# 识别正确返回语音二进制 错误则返回dict 参照下面错误码
if not isinstance(result, dict):
tmpfile = utils.write_temp_file(result, '.mp3')
logger.info('{} 语音合成成功,合成路径:{}'.format(self.SLUG, tmpfile))
return tmpfile
logger.critical('{} 合成失败!'.format(self.SLUG), exc_info=True)
[文档]class TencentTTS(AbstractTTS):
region: 服务地域,挑个离自己最近的区域有助于提升速度。
- 0:女声1,亲和风格(默认)
- 1:男声1,成熟风格
- 2:男声2,成熟风格
- 1: 中文,最大100个汉字(标点符号算一个汉子)
- 2: 英文,最大支持400个字母(标点符号算一个字母)
SLUG = "tencent-tts"
def __init__(self, appid, secretid, secret_key, region='ap-guangzhou', voiceType=0, language=1, **args):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.engine = TencentSpeech.tencentSpeech(secret_key, secretid)
self.region, self.voiceType, self.language = region, voiceType, language
[文档] @classmethod
def get_config(cls):
# Try to get tencent_yuyin config from config
return config.get('tencent_yuyin', {})
[文档] def get_speech(self, phrase):
result = self.engine.TTS(phrase, self.voiceType, self.language, self.region)
if 'Response' in result and 'Audio' in result['Response']:
audio = result['Response']['Audio']
data = base64.b64decode(audio)
tmpfile = utils.write_temp_file(data, '.wav')
logger.info('{} 语音合成成功,合成路径:{}'.format(self.SLUG, tmpfile))
return tmpfile
logger.critical('{} 合成失败!'.format(self.SLUG), exc_info=True)
[文档]class XunfeiTTS(AbstractTTS):
voice_name: https://www.xfyun.cn/services/online_tts
SLUG = "xunfei-tts"
def __init__(self, appid, asr_api_key, asr_api_secret, tts_api_key, voice='xiaoyan'):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.appid, self.api_key, self.voice_name = appid, tts_api_key, voice
[文档] @classmethod
def get_config(cls):
# Try to get xunfei_yuyin config from config
return config.get('xunfei_yuyin', {})
[文档] def getBody(self, text):
data = {'text':text}
return data
[文档] def get_speech(self, phrase):
URL = "http://api.xfyun.cn/v1/service/v1/tts"
r = requests.post(URL, headers=self.getHeader('lame'), data=self.getBody(phrase))
contentType = r.headers['Content-Type']
if contentType == "audio/mpeg":
tmpfile = utils.write_temp_file(r.content, '.mp3')
logger.info('{} 语音合成成功,合成路径:{}'.format(self.SLUG, tmpfile))
return tmpfile
else :
logger.critical('{} 合成失败!{}'.format(self.SLUG, r.text), exc_info=True)
[文档]class AliTTS(AbstractTTS):
voice: 发音人,默认是 xiaoyun
SLUG = "ali-tts"
def __init__(self, appKey, token, voice='xiaoyun', **args):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.appKey, self.token, self.voice = appKey, token, voice
[文档] @classmethod
def get_config(cls):
# Try to get ali_yuyin config from config
return config.get('ali_yuyin', {})
[文档] def get_speech(self, phrase):
tmpfile = AliSpeech.tts(self.appKey, self.token, self.voice, phrase)
if tmpfile is not None:
logger.info('{} 语音合成成功,合成路径:{}'.format(self.SLUG, tmpfile))
return tmpfile
logger.critical('{} 合成失败!'.format(self.SLUG), exc_info=True)
[文档]def get_engine_by_slug(slug=None):
A TTS Engine implementation available on the current platform
ValueError if no speaker implementation is supported on this platform
if not slug or type(slug) is not str:
raise TypeError("无效的 TTS slug '%s'", slug)
selected_engines = list(filter(lambda engine: hasattr(engine, "SLUG") and
engine.SLUG == slug, get_engines()))
if len(selected_engines) == 0:
raise ValueError("错误:找不到名为 {} 的 TTS 引擎".format(slug))
if len(selected_engines) > 1:
logger.warning("注意: 有多个 TTS 名称与指定的引擎名 {} 匹配").format(slug)
engine = selected_engines[0]
logger.info("使用 {} TTS 引擎".format(engine.SLUG))
return engine.get_instance()
[文档]def get_engines():
def get_subclasses(cls):
subclasses = set()
for subclass in cls.__subclasses__():
return subclasses
return [engine for engine in
if hasattr(engine, 'SLUG') and engine.SLUG]