# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import urllib.request
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64
import time
import random
import os
import json
[文档]def sign(signstr, secret_key):
sign_bytes= bytes(signstr , 'utf-8')
secret_bytes = bytes(secret_key, 'utf-8')
hmacstr = hmac.new(secret_bytes, sign_bytes, hashlib.sha1).digest()
s = base64.b64encode(hmacstr).decode('utf-8')
return s
[文档]def randstr(n):
seed = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
sa = []
for i in range(n):
salt = ''.join(sa)
# print salt
return salt
[文档]def sendVoice(secret_key, secretid, appid, engine_model_type, res_type, result_text_format, voice_format, filepath, cutlength, template_name=""):
if len(str(secret_key)) == 0:
print('secretKey can not empty')
if len(str(secretid)) == 0:
print('secretid can not empty')
if len(str(appid)) == 0:
print('appid can not empty')
if len(str(engine_model_type)) == 0 or (
str(engine_model_type) != '8k_0' and str(engine_model_type) != '16k_0' and str(
engine_model_type) != '16k_en'):
print('engine_model_type is not right')
if len(str(res_type)) == 0 or (str(res_type) != '0' and str(res_type) != '1'):
print('res_type is not right')
if len(str(result_text_format)) == 0 or (str(result_text_format) != '0' and str(result_text_format) != '1' and str(
result_text_format) != '2' and str(result_text_format) != '3'):
print('result_text_format is not right')
if len(str(voice_format)) == 0 or (
str(voice_format) != '1' and str(voice_format) != '4' and str(voice_format) != '6'):
print('voice_format is not right')
if len(str(filepath)) == 0:
print('filepath can not empty')
if len(str(cutlength)) == 0 or str(cutlength).isdigit() == False or cutlength > 200000:
print('cutlength can not empty')
# secret_key = "oaYWFO70LGDmcpfwo8uF1IInayysGtgZ"
query_arr = dict()
query_arr['appid'] = appid
query_arr['projectid'] = 1013976
if len(template_name) > 0:
query_arr['template_name'] = template_name
query_arr['sub_service_type'] = 1
query_arr['engine_model_type'] = engine_model_type
query_arr['res_type'] = res_type
query_arr['result_text_format'] = result_text_format
query_arr['voice_id'] = randstr(16)
query_arr['timeout'] = 100
query_arr['source'] = 0
query_arr['secretid'] = secretid
query_arr['timestamp'] = str(int(time.time()))
query_arr['expired'] = int(time.time()) + 24 * 60 * 60
query_arr['nonce'] = query_arr['timestamp'][0:4]
query_arr['voice_format'] = voice_format
file_object = open(filepath, 'rb')
file_object.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
datalen = file_object.tell()
file_object.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
seq = 0
response = []
while (datalen > 0):
end = 0
if (datalen < cutlength):
end = 1
query_arr['end'] = end
query_arr['seq'] = seq
query = sorted(query_arr.items(), key=lambda d: d[0])
signstr = formatSignString(query)
autho = sign(signstr, secret_key)
if (datalen < cutlength):
content = file_object.read(datalen)
content = file_object.read(cutlength)
seq = seq + 1
datalen = datalen - cutlength
headers = dict()
headers['Authorization'] = autho
headers['Content-Length'] = len(content)
requrl = "http://"
requrl += signstr[4::]
req = urllib.request.Request(requrl, data=content, headers=headers)
res_data = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
r = res_data.read().decode('utf-8')
res = json.loads(r)
if res['code'] == 0:
return response[len(response)-1]